06 May 2010

希尼- 中国?

以赛亚 49:12

但以理 11:44
但从东方和北方必有消息扰乱他(敌基督 Antichrist),他就大发烈怒出去,要将多人杀灭净尽。

以下列出我认为以赛亚书 49:12 指的希尼是中国的主要原因:
  1. 至于怎么解以赛亚指的希尼这个问题,许多圣经学者都议论纷纷。有的说‘希尼’是指在埃及南部的一个城市,叫做阿斯旺。有的说是古罗马,有的说是腓尼基(迦南的一个地方),还有的说是指西乃,甚至有人说是澳洲。经过一番简单的研究,我发现只有两个较可能的解释。第一个解释是希尼坐落于耶路撒冷的南部。第二个解释是希尼坐落于耶路撒冷的远东。第二个解释告诉我们这里的‘希尼’就是指中国,因为中国就位于耶路撒冷朝远东的方向。
  2. ‘希尼’这个名称至今还在中东一些地方使用-如埃及,以色列等。中式餐馆被称为希尼餐馆。在与当地人勾通时,中国游客有时得解释自己是来自 Sinim(希尼),而不能用 China。当然,我想还需确定的是至今还运用的‘希尼’这个名称是否就是圣经里提到的‘希尼’。
  3. ‘希尼’的另外一个名称是‘秦国’。在以赛亚的时代,当时的中国还没有统一成一个国家。当时,周朝时期的中国是由上百个诸侯国组成的,而秦国只是其中之一。从以赛亚的时代一直到秦始皇统一中国,建立起秦国的时间,有约 500 年之久。但是我们必须要了解的是以赛亚他是一名先知。他预言耶稣的二次再来,也预言了波斯王赛鲁士(Cyrus, King of Persia)的出现。从以赛亚的年代一直到赛鲁士的年代有近 200 年之久。

  1. 要迎接耶稣的二次再来,其中一个‘条件’就是完成大使命。我相信在完成大使命的事工上,中国目前就已经扮演着很重要的角色,将福音传回耶路撒冷 (太 28:19)。
  2. 从以赛亚书 49 和 但以理书 11,圣经清楚的描述中国将在大患难期间支持神的选民,以色列国。大患难指的是我们人类的最后 3 年半的历史(启 11:2,11:3,12:6,12:14,13:5;但 7:25,9:27,12:11)。在马太福音 25:31-46,耶稣跟门徒说了绵羊山羊的比喻。当耶稣二次再来时,他将会审判万民是否有在以色列遭受及大逼迫的时候站在以色列人那边。所以,我们必须知道我们到时应当做的选择,那就是坚定在主边,支持以色列。圣经已经在此预言到时中国将会如此行。


Sinim - China?

Isaiah 49:12
Surely these shall come from afar;
Look! Those from the north and the west,
And these from the land of Sinim.

Daniel 11:44
But news from the east and the north shall trouble him (Antichrist); therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many.

The reasons for my belief that Sinim in Isa 49:12 is likely to be modern-day China:
  1. There have been a number of interpretations of where Sinim might have been. Some say that the location of Sinim is in the Aswan region of Egypt, some say ancient Rome, others say Phoenicia, still some claimed it refers to the desert of Sinai, and to others Australia. After a deeper study, I found that only 2 interpretations stand to the test. First interpretation is that Sinim is located on the extreme South of Jerusalem. Second interpretation is that Sinim is located on the far East to Jerusalem. This second interpretation strongly supports the stand that Sinim is made in reference to China since China lies on the far East of Jerusalem.
  2. The name "Sinim" is still used today in many places in the Middle East - in Egypt, Israel and other places. A chinese restaurant is known as a Sinim restaurant. A Chinese tourist, when conversing with the locals, at times has to identify himself as from the land of 'Sinim' instead of 'China'. Of course, I think further verification is required as to whether the name 'Sinim' that is still in use today with reference to China is the same biblical 'Sinim' in Isa 49.
  3. In the Chinese Bible, the other name for 'Sinim' is 'Qin Guo' (秦国). During Isaiah's time, China was not one unified country yet. At that time, Under the Zhuo dynasty, China was made up of hundreds of states, whereby the state of Qin was only one of them. It was later on that the state of Qin emerged as one of the 14 major states. It was not until almost 500 years after Isaiah that the Qin dynasty was established, and the name Qin represented the Middle Kingdom, China. We need to understand that Isaiah was a prophet of God. He prophesied much about the 2nd coming of Christ, and about Cyrus, King of Persia, some 200 years ahead.

What is the importance in understanding that China is mentioned in the Bible? What are its implications?
  1. One of the 'conditions' in ushering in the 2nd coming of Jesus is the fulfillment of the Great Commission. I believe that China plays a key role in fulfilling the Great Commission and in this last lap of in bringing the gospel back to Jerusalem (Mat. 28:19).
  2. From Isa 49 and Dan 11, it is clearly stated in the Bible that the nation of China will stand with God's people, Israel, especially in the Great Tribulation, which is the final 3.5 years of human history (Rev 11:2, Rev 11:3, Rev 12:6, Rev 12:14, Rev 13:5, Dan 7:25, Dan 9:27, Dan 12:11). We also have the famous Parable of the Sheep and Goat in Matt. 25:31-46. When Jesus comes back again, He will judge all on the basis of whether we stand with Israel in her time of great persecution or we have not. It is therefore highly critical that we understand the weight of our choices in those days whether to be on God's side and stand with the nation of Israel in the last days or not to. The Bible has prophesied, that China as a nation, will be standing with Israel.

God requires that we respond to Him. He desires that at the 2nd coming of Jesus, the church of Jesus Christ would have matured as the Bride of Christ, standing in partnership with her Bridegroom God. We therefore need to know the will and plans of God, that we may know how to respond to Him, how and what to pray, and to partner with Jesus in executing the will of the Father. To my brothers and sisters in Christ, I invite you to stand with us and pray for the will of God to come to pass. May God's kingdom come!


15 April 2010

They aren't Stupid

Having been regularly spending a little more than 2 hours a week to minister to a group of children (P5s and P6s) in a local Primary School with City Community, 2 incidents had touched me deeply recently.

Firstly, in an earlier week, a question was posed to the class, as to how many of them genuinely think that they are stupid. I was astounded at the number of hands raised, of which a good half of them truly thought that they were stupid, mostly for the fact that they failed a number of subjects in school and/or perpetually unable to pass a particular subject.

When I look at these students, none of them are to me, stupid for that matter. Most might not be the 'bright' students as we would define them to be, but they aren't stupid. They are children with intelligence, with the ability to think and rationalize, people with common sense, and most importantly, they are very sweet children with tender hearts and love and care for others.

A second incident that moved me greatly occurred last week. One of the kids who has problem getting along with other kids in school, and often mocked by other students, asked me a very moving question. This student is named 'X' below.

X: Teacher, do you like me?
Bel: Yes I do. I like you very much.
X: Er... then do you love me?
Bel: (put my right arm around the back of her neck) Of course I do! :)
X: "But sometimes I'm very naughty..."

I then explained to her that I liked her very much, and I do love her. While it is also true that I do not like her 'naughty' behaviors, it doesn't change the fact that I still do like her a lot.

Indeed, these kids out there are so in need of love, for somebody to tell them that there is somebody who loves them, somebody who cares enough. It also makes me wonder what kind of children we are raising up here in Singapore, telling our kids that they are stupid just because they can't pass their exams? I would think it is more likely that most are disillusioned and lazy, rather than being stupid. I am indeed blessed - Blessed to be able to see these kids and hear their stories, blessed to be able to show them some love, care and concern when they need them, blessed to be able to give, blessed to be able to be with them, walk with them, and be a friend to them in their time of need.


15 March 2010

Youth Group

A youth group by the chinese congregation is finally formed at CBC. MInistering to youths have always had a special place in my heart. A fruit of a youth ministry myself, I recognize the impact and power of a youth ministry. Especially at their teenage and school years, youths are just beginning to be in search of purpose of life, for answers in life, and they are in great emotional needs. It is at this time also that they are most open to the gospel. Youths have lots of passion, and they search for the cause where they can devote their passion into. Those who have given their lives to the Lord often go all out in pursuing Him, in doing God's work, in spreading the gospel etc.

So when pastor first approached me a few years ago regarding the vision of having a youth group, something in my heart tugged. He was speaking of something so dear to me. However, there were a number of considerations. Firstly, I know that I am not ready nor capable of taking up such a responsibility. I didn't have enough training nor experience required. I could, perhaps, be leading a small group, but there was no mentor that could lead and guide me along the way. Secondly, the timing didn't seem right. My 'plate' was pretty full at that time. Though my full time vocation then was that of a student, my major priority outside of school was the House of Prayer. It would be highly unwise to shoulder a whole new pioneer ministry then. Thirdly, we didn't have enough to form members. This meant that attempts to start such a group very much resembles a difficult pioneering work from almost ground zero.

After some time of prayers, we dropped the idea. But today, God has blessed us with the 'right' leader - one fully trained and equipped, a Godly man who really loves God and pursues Him with all his heart, is sensitive to the Spirit of God, and with many years of experience since he was a youth himself. Also, we have now in our midst some youths who have come to know the Lord not too long ago. I can't wait to see God working mightily in our midst, encountering each one of us in a most special way!


27 January 2010


Last week, from 20th to 22nd Jan, I was involved in a camp for P5 students of a local government school. This camp was organized in conjunction of that school and City Community, an arm of St. Andrew Cathedral. I shall save you the story behind how I got involved with them. In short, I was previously involved with 2 ad-hoc workshops with City Community's works in this same school, so the camp was my 3rd assignment with them.

It was an awesome camp I had. It was good to know that my heart still moves for the young ones. It had been years since I was involved with the kids on a very personal level, to befriend them, bring and show the love of God, and interact with them as a trusted friend, to be there for them and to reach out to them in their needs. Making deliberate efforts to reach out to them keeps my heart alive. It's not just about the 'doing' or the work, it is about knowing that lives have been touched, that the kids can look at us and see that we are a group of people who are different, who will stand with them and be their helping hand in their times of need.

City Community had been (and still is) having ongoing weekly projects in this school and also a number of other schools. And I see that the impact that they are making in lives of the students and the school is far beyond what we can see or measure. Indeed God is glorified, and the hand of God is upon their works. As for myself, I am looking forward to be more actively involved with City Community this year :)

31 December 2009

About me - Chinese


之后的几年我完全忘了件事一直到2002年年尾我开始在国内的一祷告殿服侍是我参与服侍的第一祷告殿。这间祷告殿位于在1999年那位牧同我谈话的同地点的那一祷告室。虽然我自小就有学习钢但是从来没有用琴的方式带领人敬拜。在2004年一月三十一日 我第一次在祷告殿里带领了一个两小的敬拜才有了第一次敬拜的体及机会。与此同神他提醒并使我想起1999年那位牧师对我所三年之后在同的地方他使件事实现了。第一次敬拜当天正是我十九生日真的是一个神奇的巧合那安排我第一次敬拜的领导根本不知道当天是我的生日。

2004年的十二月份神在我的生命当中开了另一个新的起点带领我参加了另一祷告殿《国祷告殿一件事事工》《International House of Prayer (IHOP) One Thing Ministries》。至今我一直在这间祷告殿服侍以代祷性的敬拜琴与炉模式(5:8)敬拜。我服侍的目包括敬拜有先知性地歌唱也包含交互





我邀你与我一同来完成神祷告殿一件事事工的理想来建立一一天24一周7 没有停止 连续的祷告殿并包含着祷告敬拜禁食保持与神的密关系。有关国祷告殿一件事事功的详情以下网址www.OneThingMinistries.net

如果你想要知道更多请电邮到以下地址 isabeljlin@gmail.com

16 November 2009

About me

I came to the saving knowledge of Christ when I turned 13. In Nov/Dec 1999 during a church meeting, when I was only 14, a pastor spoke over me that I could be a keyboardist, playing and leading in corporate worship some day if I would be willing to pursue it. Then, I set my heart to pursue worship music in my life.

Over the years, I had forgotten about this incident until my involvement in a local House of Prayer began in late 2002, where I had the opportunity to serve on the worship team. This was the first House of Prayer I served in. That House of Prayer is located at the exact same place, that very same prayer room, where the word was given to me in 1999. Having had classical piano training from young, I started playing the keyboard for worship only at the House of Prayer. That was also where I had my first exposure to worship leading. The Lord then reminded me of the word He gave me in 1999, which had come to pass 3 years later at the very same place where that word was spoken. The first time I led a 2-hour worship slot in the House of Prayer was on 31 Jan 2004, the day of my 19th Birthday. It was yet another divine appointment. The person who had scheduled me in had no idea that day was my birthday.

In Dec 2004, the Lord again so divinely 'ambushed' me to be involved in another House of Prayer, IHOP-One Thing Ministries, in which I had been actively serving in since. At One Thing Ministries, we incorporate intercessory worship in the Harp & Bowl model (Rev 5:8). My roles include that of worship leader, keyboardist, bassist and prophetic singer (including antiphonal singing). In the year 2006, the Lord issued to me an invitation to serve Him full time. By June 2006, I had said 'yes' to the calling of God for me in my life. Though I knew that it was not time yet that I be launched into full time ministry, but I knew it well that it will come to pass soon. 

In January 2008, I made a personal vow to God that I would serve Him in the IHOP for the next 7 years, and to observe celibacy during these 7 years. And now in 2009, I am finally launching into serving God full time in the IHOP.

I once heard a preacher tell this story of a young man who was critically ill. The worried mother of this young man lifted her prayer to God. She vowed that she would dedicate him to the work of God if God would heal her son, that he would serve God full time all the remaining days of his life. At this point, the preacher solemnly posed this question to the congregation, "Why do man only call upon God at a time of our crisis and desperation? Why are we giving ourselves to the work of God only when we are left with half-dead or messed up lives?"

The words of this preacher struck my heart deeply. Doesn’t God deserve our best at all times, of all things? Of our worship, our offerings, our time, our lives! I truly believe that God deserves my best, and at this time of my life, at the age of 24, God is more than worthy that I should dedicate my life to Him and for His service. Indeed, the little sacrifices I choose to make are so insignificant (Phil 3:7-8) in contrast to the great privilege of being able to love God, and to partner with Him in doing His will.

I invite you to partner with me in the vision the Lord has given us at IHOP-One Thing Ministries to raise up a 24/7 House of Prayer that fully embraces prayer, worship, fasting, and intimacy with Jesus. For more information about IHOP-One Thing Ministries, please visit www.OneThingMinistries.net.

If you'd like to find out more, kindly email me at isabeljlin@gmail.com