I came to the saving knowledge of Christ when I turned 13. In Nov/Dec 1999 during a church meeting, when I was only 14, a pastor spoke over me that I could be a keyboardist, playing and leading in corporate worship some day if I would be willing to pursue it. Then, I set my heart to pursue worship music in my life.
Over the years, I had forgotten about this incident until my involvement in a local House of Prayer began in late 2002, where I had the opportunity to serve on the worship team. This was the first House of Prayer I served in. That House of Prayer is located at the exact same place, that very same prayer room, where the word was given to me in 1999. Having had classical piano training from young, I started playing the keyboard for worship only at the House of Prayer. That was also where I had my first exposure to worship leading. The Lord then reminded me of the word He gave me in 1999, which had come to pass 3 years later at the very same place where that word was spoken. The first time I led a 2-hour worship slot in the House of Prayer was on 31 Jan 2004, the day of my 19th Birthday. It was yet another divine appointment. The person who had scheduled me in had no idea that day was my birthday.
In Dec 2004, the Lord again so divinely 'ambushed' me to be involved in another House of Prayer, IHOP-One Thing Ministries, in which I had been actively serving in since. At One Thing Ministries, we incorporate intercessory worship in the Harp & Bowl model (Rev 5:8). My roles include that of worship leader, keyboardist, bassist and prophetic singer (including antiphonal singing). In the year 2006, the Lord issued to me an invitation to serve Him full time. By June 2006, I had said 'yes' to the calling of God for me in my life. Though I knew that it was not time yet that I be launched into full time ministry, but I knew it well that it will come to pass soon.
In January 2008, I made a personal vow to God that I would serve Him in the IHOP for the next 7 years, and to observe celibacy during these 7 years. And now in 2009, I am finally launching into serving God full time in the IHOP.
I once heard a preacher tell this story of a young man who was critically ill. The worried mother of this young man lifted her prayer to God. She vowed that she would dedicate him to the work of God if God would heal her son, that he would serve God full time all the remaining days of his life. At this point, the preacher solemnly posed this question to the congregation, "Why do man only call upon God at a time of our crisis and desperation? Why are we giving ourselves to the work of God only when we are left with half-dead or messed up lives?"
The words of this preacher struck my heart deeply. Doesn’t God deserve our best at all times, of all things? Of our worship, our offerings, our time, our lives! I truly believe that God deserves my best, and at this time of my life, at the age of 24, God is more than worthy that I should dedicate my life to Him and for His service. Indeed, the little sacrifices I choose to make are so insignificant (Phil 3:7-8) in contrast to the great privilege of being able to love God, and to partner with Him in doing His will.
I invite you to partner with me in the vision the Lord has given us at IHOP-One Thing Ministries to raise up a 24/7 House of Prayer that fully embraces prayer, worship, fasting, and intimacy with Jesus. For more information about IHOP-One Thing Ministries, please visit www.OneThingMinistries.net.
If you'd like to find out more, kindly email me at isabeljlin@gmail.com
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